06:30 – 08:30
Not Included
Both Ways
In Advance
Marmaris Jeep Safari Tour is also widely known as “Marmaris Off-Road jeep Safari adventure tour” is an adventure tour with the opportunity to gain a lot of experiences in one day during the ride in the pine forests and country roads of Bozburun peninsula. Along the way, you may take in the breathtaking mountain views, swim in the mudflow region, see the Turgut waterfalls, and stroll along the sandbar at Kiz Kumu to have a sense of walking in the middle of the sea.
What Can You Expect from this Excursion ?
You get the opportunity to take part in the water gun battle that is a regular feature of every off-road safari trip during this incredible adventure. So go ahead and have an off-road excursion; if you come with a friend, you can share some experience and have a good time. Making friends during the water battle is a great way to meet new people if you're travelling alone. We will also make some wonderful stops, including the well-known Turgut Waterfall!